We have a very lovely shrub growing in the back of our yard (I have no idea what it is). It’s made of tall stalks that put out beautiful clusters of snow-white blossoms. These blossoms are fleeting and turn to brown husks in a matter of days, but they bring honey bees and it’s lovely despite being short-lived. It also has beautiful fern-like foliage. The Boy loves to break off a stem exclaiming “Look how many leaves this has!” with the same wonder each time. These leaves were the perfect fit when I began dreaming of a watercolor leaf print project. So easy! And perfect for a watercolor novice, like myself.
I must say, this is one of those “fool-proof” projects. My very first try turned out beautiful and all the subsequent tries as well. I could probably hand a paintbrush to my 2 year-old, and hers would look just as lovely. Watercolors are wonderful that way. Easy projects are the best projects!
What you need: (affiliate links)
-Watercolor pad (similar)
-Watercolors (similar)
– Paint Brushes
– Painters Tape (similar)
– Leaves
To begin, place a small roll of tape on several of the leaves. If they are all separate, be sure to place a piece on each one.
Next, very gently press the leaves, tape-down into your watercolor paper. Do not press them too firmly or you will have a hard time removing them once you are finished painting.
To paint, gingerly work from the stem outwards, being careful not to let the brush catch the leaf edges.
Continue working all around the leaves, until a border is painted.
Be careful to avoid filling your brush with too much water. If the paint/water pools on the paper, it will run under the leaves.
Using only water, pull the paint from the edges of the leaves outward, filling the rest of the page. It will have a pretty ombre coloration.
This is what happens when the water pools!
Despited the color-pool mistake, they turned out quite pretty! The fern-ish leaves look so lovely. This project took only a few minutes to complete with a very beautiful finished look.
I have already lined Sis’s walls with several watercolor leaf print paintings. They look elegant and calming in her room. I love these so much that I have been out searching the yard for more leaves. Our front shrub has a maple-leaf shape, I think I will try those next. I am thinking things other than leaves would be pretty as well!
Give it a try 🙂
Orignal published at Pink When
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